This is a 12-lesson Bible study course and, like its predecessor, has been designed to educate, inform, challenge, and inspire people to become active students of God’s Word. It will help you learn many more important things about God and the Bible and at the same time help you become more skilled in Bible study. This textbook material has been designed to complement our in-class discussion.
The reason why we need a study course like this one is the same as the first course. There are STILL hundreds of groups claiming to be Christians and each one has its own particular set of doctrines and practices. Since most of these differences in some way relate back to the Bible, it is necessary to study it to find out which teachings today are correct.
The way this study material works is simple. Just like the previous course "Jesus: Man of the Bible", each lesson is presented online along with a series of questions. You will once again be asked to find, read, and carefully think about the meaning of hundreds of passages from the Bible. We suggest using a notebook to record the main points for each verse you study. Study each lesson carefully and read all of the passages carefully 1. Many of the test questions will be taken from the points contained in the verses.
Read each question carefully and consider all the possible answer choices. Select the best answer by clicking on it. Be sure to enter your name and email address for each lesson so we can track your progress and send you a copy of your results. If you have any questions about the material, please include them in the box provided before you submit your answers. Your lesson will be graded immediately, and if you score at least 60%, you can move on to the next lesson. If you average at least 70% over the whole course, you will fulfill our requirements for graduation and receive a special certificate, which you can hang on your wall. However, aside from a certificate, the wealth of knowledge you will gain from your study will be considerably more valuable!
We hope that you will learn much from this study. As we said in the first course, there may be some things taught in this course that seem “different” from what you might have heard in religion before. We are not asking you to agree or disagree with anything in the course; all we are hoping is that you will study through all of the course material before you make any conclusions.
If at any time you have questions about anything in your study, please feel free to email us or submit them with your lesson. We will do our very best to help you find the answers you seek. In addition, if you have friends whom you think might like to study this course please refer them to this page or send us their names and mailing/e-mail addresses and we will be very happy to reserve them a space in our next session of FREE classes at the Bible Study Center.
As a final thought before you start, please remember that we have gone to great lengths to make this study FREE of both cost and obligation. There is no tuition and by agreeing to take this course, you are not changing your religion or joining a religious group. All we are asking you to provide is the time to study.
We sincerely hope that you enjoy your study and learn many new things about God and the Bible!
1 NOTE: Unless otherwise stated, all Bible quotations contained in the lesson material come from the Easy-To-Read version.