Are you too busy to come study with us?

No problem because you can study at home!

Although we believe that the best experience of study is in our small group discussion classes offered at the Bible Study Center, we realize that there will be some who would like to study with us but who simply cannot make their schedules match our available classes. To help solve this problem we are creating correspondence course versions of many of the courses we offer for study at the Center.

Just download Jesus: Man of the Bible and submit your answer sheets online or through the mail. If you maintain an average of 70% over the entire course, we will send you a certificate and get you started on the next course right away.

The nice thing about self-study is that you do not have any time deadlines and you can study in the privacy of your own home.

There is no charge for our self-study courses, (unless you choose to mail us the answers by post)! We hope that our courses can help get you started in your personal study of the Bible!

Remember... It's FREE!