Check out our FREE Seminar Materials...

The entries below contain links for downloading the seminar booklets for each seminar. Please note that all materials for download on this page are formatted for Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or higher. If available, you will also find links to video files recorded here at the Center when the seminar was originally taught. If you download the booklet and watch the videos it will almost be like being there!

Please feel free to pass this material around as you like. It is FREE! Your comments, corrections and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. However, please do not alter any of the material without our permission.

However, before you take advantage of any of our seminar material please take a few minutes to read carefully the document found at this link. It will help you understand why we work hard to create them and give you something important to keep in your mind as you use them.


  1. Bibles and Bible Study
       (posted on 01/18/09 – 622K)
  2. Is the Modern Teaching of ORIGINAL SIN/TOTAL DEPRAVITY from God or from Men?
       (posted on 01/18/09 – 310K)
  3. Is the Modern Practice of PRAYING FOR THE DEAD from God or from Men?    
       (posted on 01/18/09 – 324K)
  4. Is the Modern Practice of TITHING from God or from Men?
       (posted on 01/18/09 – 294K)
  5. Is the Modern Practice of WORSHIP from God or from Men?
       (posted on 01/18/09 – 505K)
  6. Is the Modern Teaching of ONCE SAVED, ALWAYS SAVED from God or from Men?     
       (posted on 09/21/09 – 599K)
  7. Rejoice in Your Suffering: Advice from the Apostle Peter     
       (posted on 09/21/09 – 599K)
  8. Was the PROTESTANT REFORMATION from God or from Men?   
    (posted on 09/21/09 – 601K)
  9. The Agony and Glory of the Christ    
       (posted on 09/21/09 – 599K)