How about a FREE T-Shirt?
If you enroll in classes we will give you a FREE Bible Study Center T-Shirt!
(Limit one (1) per student.)
Would you like a FREE Bible?
You can earn a FREE copy of the Easy-To-Read Version of the Bible by simply graduating from one of our Major Courses!
(Limit one (1) per student!)
How about a FREE book about the New Testament?
If you get "perfect attendance" in five of our courses we will give you a FREE copy of
A Survey of the New Testament by Robert H. Gundry!
(Limit one (1) per student and at least one (1) of the five (5) courses MUST be a Major Course.)
How about a FREE Bible Dictionary?
If you get "perfect attendance" in an additional five of our courses we will give you a FREE copy of the New International Version Bible Dictionary !
(Limit one (1) per student and at least one (1) of the five (5) courses MUST be a Major Course.)
How about a FREE copy of Young's Analytical Concordance?
If you complete four (4) of our Major Courses and eight (8) of our Minor Courses we will give you one!
FREE pens, highlighters, notepads, stickers, and New Testaments!
We give these away through drawings to those who come by our office and try our trivia quiz during enrollment week!