What Controls Your Life?

The material for this major course comes from a book with the same title, "What Controls Your Life?", written by Kenneth Reed. Mr. Reed has worked as a counselor and teacher of the Bible for many years and wrote the book to assist people in prioritizing their lives and their relationship with God.

We provide each student with a copy of the book as a "text book" for the course. Each class meeting will cover a different chapter of the book. (Two chapters a week for 6 weeks.) The topic of each chapter follows the basic idea dealing with different aspects of the struggle to do what is right in the face of so many temptations to do wrong. Taking this course will allow you to discuss and consider some of the most important matters facing anyone who wants to establish and maintain a relationship with God!

You can downlad a copy of the booklet for yourself.

Please note that before a student is eligible to enroll in this course they should have completed our courses Jesus: Man of the Bible, Jesus: Lord of Our Lives, and What is REAL Christianity?.

Lesson 1 - They Had the Real Thing

Lesson 2 - Out of the Sinning Business

Lesson 3 - Is Christianity Just a Sunday Stroll With Jesus?

Lesson 4 - Straddling the Fence

Lesson 5 - God's Verdict: "Not Guilty"

Lesson 6 - But Why Do I Feel Guilty All of the Time?

Lesson 7 - Dead to Sin -- Alive to God

Lesson 8 - Examples Are Powerful

Lesson 9 - Why Do You Call Me Lord?

Lesson 10 - How Do You Decide Between Right and Wrong?

Lesson 11 - How to Lose Your Mind

Lesson 12 - The Greatest Thing In the World & Getting It All Together